Utility function for setting up IPC listener on the main thread and replying to it. This should be used only with LocalRenderer.ipcAsync()
Returns up a helper function to easily communcicate between the main thread and a child thread/process by wrapping an event listener for the "message" event with a promise which allows you to await a "call" to another thread. It also removes the event listener once complete.
This pairs nicely with the workerFork helper function
childProcess to bind this helper to
Helper function to create a forked child process.
Utilizes the Node standard lib child_process.fork with some defaults to help keep code DRY and help functionality to just work with the Local code base.
Check out the docs for ChildProcess.fork for more info: https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_child_process_fork_modulepath_args_options
path to file that should be executed
environment variables that need to be copied over to forked process
Generated using TypeDoc
DownloadableServices, DownloadableService, and ServiceBin can be converted to JSON schema using https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema
Command to generate JSON Schema: typescript-json-schema --required ./DownloadableServices.d.ts DownloadableServices > ./DownloadableServices.schema.json
Downloadable/Available Services for Local